I don't want to go on and on with the amount of vitamins and minerals in it because I am sure every one knows that eating broccoli is good for health and its vibrant green color is a major clue that tells you how good it is for that body. But some of the interesting facts that I read about broccoli is the amount of calcium in one bunch is equal to one glass of milk. And looks like it also helps in promoting weight loss because its rich in fiber content and works wonders for digestive system. Now that's something to take note of. Just like the cauliflower, broccoli is a gas producing food so to reduce it, its is suggested to eat along with ginger or garlic.

Quinoa (pronounced as keen-wah) is not a grain; its a seed related to the spinach family which was originally from South America. It was a regular Incas diet. It is a delicious whole grain that's easy to digest and an excellent replacement for rice. Some of the nutritional fact about Quinoa are; they are high in amino acids, protein and calcium. It is found to be more satiating than wheat or rice, so helps in weight loss.
The coating of the saponin on the seeds gives it a bitter taste, so it needs to be washed before cooking. Basic method to cook is to boil 1 cup of quinoa with 2 cups of water for 15 minutes. It absorbs all the water and the size of the seed will increase, with a tender and springy texture. Quinoa can be enjoyed as porridge for breakfast or salad with vegetable and many other items.
2 cup Quinoa, cooked in 4 cups of water.
1 tbsp oil
1/2 lb broccoli floret
2 tsp dry or fresh oregano
1 tbsp chili paste
1/2 cup mint leaves
2 cloves garlic
1/4 cup roasted almond
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1. Heat oil in a wok and add chopped broccoli and cook until soft or for about 10 minutes.
2. Add oregano and chili paste.

3. In a food processor grind mint,garlic, Parmesan cheese and roasted almonds. Add water if needed.

NOTE: Taste before adding salt because most cheese have salt in it.
Oh wow new for me. Like the 2nd photo with green cookware accompanied with the recipe.Awesome shot!
Day by day you going pro.
wooow,,dear great explanation abt quinoa and brocoli quinoa looks perfect n delicious,,,,its good for the health,,
Wow.. this is a new dish for me. Nice combo infact :) I love the green bowl. looks so cute :)
quiet an interesting one...beautiful pics there...
a new dish to me....a very healthy and nutritious dish...i love most the shots...they are so professional and an unusal kind of freshness is brushing in all the snaps....bravo....have to learn photography form u...
Excellent recipe, even yesterday I`ve been shopping for quinoa.
Now that I`ve seen your dish, I am really looking forward to cook my own.
Excellent photos.
Have a great weekend x
Wat a healthy dish to enjoy...Very creative..
Inyeresting way to eat Quinoa.......
Very interesting dish with quinoa...I have tried quinoa as a rice substitute...this is new to me...looks so colorful and delicious :)
interesting and wonderful click dear!
very innovative dish.do visit my blog when you find some time.following you.
a very healthy and nutritious dish
Wow.. Thats a delicious dish.. Never have cooked Quinoa, but looks like it may be my key to lose a couple of KGs...
Thanks for dropping by, you too have a wonderful space here.. Will be back often :)
What a way to use broccoli, I loved reading this post! Good info and definitely a great photograph!
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